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The curving bus at Brussels Belgium

Watermelon Seed Tea For Kidney Cleansing and Stones

Cooking, grinding and roasting watermelon seeds are in order to use their natural healing powers.  Watermelon seeds are high in fiber, aid in proper digestion and efficient in the treatment of intestinal parasites, jaundice, and inflammation. Watermelon tea is considered to be a natural diuretic that is helpful for kidney cleansing. Watermelon is one of the best natural remedies known for kidney stones mostly because they contain the highest water content of any food, 92% water! They are extremely high in potassium, a form of salt that assists the body in dissolving kidney stones. Watermelons are high in nitric oxide and lycopene, both of which are wonderful for maintaining kidney health.

Living healthy with Dragon fruit

It is the fruit of several cactus species, specifically genus Hylocereus (sweet pitayas). These species are native to Central and South America, and are also cultivated in Asia. There are three varieties of Dragon Fruit or Pitayas. The first is the variety with dark pink skin and white flesh, sometimes called the Vietnamese dragon fruit. It is the most common variety in Asia, specifically Philippines. The second variety is the one with dark pink skin and red flesh; they call it the Malaysian dragon fruit.

Healing Properties of Garlic Juice

Who doesn’t know the healing effect of garlic? We might just considered garlic as a simple culinary herb. But have you ever heard the medicinal properties it posses? At home, when someone in your family suffers from  high blood pressure  in the mid of the night, extracted garlic can be a good remedy. Not only that! Garlic has abundant benefits which can treat such various ailments.

The good and bad insects

Green Apple Health Benefits

There are various benefits a green apple offers. Green apples are very healthy as it gives  your stomach a sense of satisfaction at the same time. It contains high fiber which reduces cholesterol inside our body and reduces the risk of colon cancer as well. Its dietary fiber helps in the regulation of bowel movements and in that way helps in the overall digestive process. However, if you have consumed something heavy and about to wonder whether your stomach can take such foods? No worries! You could just let your cravings go on and just have a piece of green apple after, and it would help your stomach digest those foods with the help of enzymes present in the apple.

Tamarind Health Benefits (Sampaloc)

Tamarind is a well known fruit in the Philippines also known as sampaloc. This fruit is grown  in countries with tropical climates such as Africa, Thailand and India. During each season, the tree bears irregularly curved pods, and each pod has thick outer shell encased within a deep brown pod. It is a sweet and tangy tamarind that is widely used condiment in South Asian kitchens. Tamarind is rich in Vitamins and Minerals and has said to be an essential source of nutrition for fewer options. Among those considerably benefits stands out are as follows: A good source of antioxidant fighting against cancer.

From Salad to a Refreshing Cucumber juice

Have heard the typical salad ingredients? With the impressive amount of water that is naturally distilled and which makes it superior to ordinary water, here comes the Cucumber. Most people are not aware of the health benefits a cucumber offers. However, some believe that it can be used to help reduce eye-strain, tiredness and dark circles. Cucumber has cooling properties that is refreshing. It acts as an anti-oxidant when taken together with fried and barbequed foods. The skin itself contains high percentage of Vitamin A, so it should not be peel off! Some people think of this fruit for the juice that comes from it, which can be consumed to improve or maintain a healthy skin. Drinking cucumber juice can provide several health benefits. Calcium . Drinking cucumber juice is recommended providing the result of strong and healthy bones and teeth. It helps provoke the endocrine system to produce hormones, as well as muscles and blood vessels to contract and expand.